SKI resort Čenkovice
About Čenkovice ski resort
In winter, Čenkovice ski resort offers 65 km of cross-country trails, 5 pistes (including 2 with night skiing) and a snowpark. Čenkovice is one of the largest ski resorts in the Pardubice Region and is one of the 5 ski resorts in the Czech Republic with the cleanest air. From the accommodation facilities we provide you can also easily get to Červená Voda ski park, which is linked to Ski Čenkovice via two paths.
In summer, you will find peace and quiet here. You can make various trips along mossy paths and check out the incredible views of Orlické hory (the Eagle Mountains), Krkonoše (the Giant Mountains), Polabí (the Elbe lowlands), Železné hory (the Iron Mountains), the Žďárské vrchy, Zábřežská hornatina and Hanušovická hornatina highlands, Jeseníky (the Ash Mountains) and Králický Sněžník peak. Or you can visit Filipův pramen (Philip’s Spring) and clear your mind of thoughts for a short time.
Čenkovice is a picturesque mountain resort in a romantic valley at the foot of Buková hora mountain, on the border between Orlické hory, Jeseníky and Králický Sněžník. The mountain village of Čenkovice is surrounded by three imposing mountains: Buková hora (958 m a.s.l.), Planiska (934 m a.s.l.) and Jeřáb (900 m a.s.l.). In terms of its location, Buková hora is the southernmost mountain in Orlické hory, and there are two pistes which lead from its peak in a south-easterly direction (Mlýnická 2150 m and Heroltická 2 250 m), which are part of Ćervená Voda ski park. There are two pistes on Buková hora leading to the north-west (Svitavská 950 m and Třebovská 1000 m). Another piste, Nad Parkovištěm 380 m, leads from the foot of Buková hora towards Čenkovice. Southerly pistes (Vigona 430 m and Čenkovická 400 m) lead from Jeřab mountain. Right at Filipův pramen is the Kids Park with its rope tow. There are many accommodation options in Čenkovice. You can stay in a hotel, guest houses, mountain chalets, cottages or even wooden houses and cabins. The whole Orlické hory region, and Čenkovice in particular, is a great starting point for a diverse range of trips.